Know About Antioxidant Properties of Milk and Dairy Products | Dairy Today

Know About Antioxidant Properties of Milk and Dairy Products

Milk and dairy products are integral part of human nutrition. We know that milk is a complete food due to presence of all nutrients and they are considered as the carriers of higher biological value proteins, calcium, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fat, water soluble vitamins and several bioactive compounds that are highly needed for several biochemical and physiological functions. Dairy products constitute about 25–30% of the average diet of an individual. Milk and milk products are nutritious food items containing numerous essential nutrients such as, oleic acid, conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds such as antioxidants.

Antioxidant properties of milk & milk products:

Milk is a highly antioxidant drink. Antioxidants are the substance that helps to inhibit the oxidation reaction. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, thereby leading to chain reactions that may damage the cells of organisms. Antioxidant capacity of milk and milk products is mainly due to sulfur containing amino acids, such as cysteine, phosphate, vitamins A, E, carotenoids, zinc, selenium, enzyme systems, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase.


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Antioxidant & Health:

High antioxidants diet may help to reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body cells, and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants may be good for heart health and may also help to lower the risk of infections and some forms of cancer.

Antioxidant properties of caseins:

Caseins are the major protein of bovine and ovine milks present in the form of macro-molecular aggregates. Due to the difference in phosphate content, various casein fractions are present in milk, for example, phosphate content of α, β and κ caseins are 10, 5 and 1 mol per casein mole and phosphate can provide antioxidant activity to the casein micelles.

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Antioxidant properties of whey proteins:

In recent years, utilization of whey in food and nonfood applications is mounting across the globe. Whey protein has higher biological value and despite the fact that about 30–35% of the whey is still discarded. In food industries, whey proteins are used as emulsifying, gelling and bulking agent. Antioxidant activity of whey protein is scientifically established and antioxidants of whey can efficiently inhibit the lipid oxidation. Antioxidant activity of whey protein is due to the chelation of transition metals by lactoferrin and scavenging of free radicals by sulphur containing amino acids. Whey proteins boost the level of glutathione peroxidase which is regarded as one of the most significant water soluble antioxidant system. Whey proteins have antioxidant activity and addition of whey protein in soybean oil emulsion increased the oxidative stability.

Author’s Details:  Mr. Souvik Tewari, Ms. Rozeena Parvez, Mr. Maske Sachin Vishwanath, Mr. Shelke Sachin Arjun (All are PhD scholar in Food Science & Technology, WCDT, SHUATS, Allahabad)

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